Monday, January 17, 2011

Sacrifice Beads

I made my first sacrifice beads when I was in probably 3rd or 4th grade. Gold pony beads, cord, and plastic Crucifix and Miraculous Medal. About three months ago I found this site. I played around a little bit with it, but I didn't ever complete a set because I didn't have any medals. Then, exactly a month ago, Shealynn posted the tutorial that the above site had. I still didn't have any medals though, so I forgot about it again. Last week, after I had made hundreds (ok, not that many) of wire spirals, I decided to ask my mom if she had any medals I could use. Yhese Sacrifice Beads were the final product. I'm planning on ordering some more medals this week, so I'll have more pictures later. :)

A little note. To promote my blog, I have a challenge for you, my readers. For each new follower I get, I'll have an extra post. Which means that instead of the every other day posts (I'm trying to keep to that schedule :P) that I've been giving you, you'll have the chance to get one everyday. Additionally, I'm going to have a giveaway as soon as I have 15 followers! So tell your friends about me, grab my blog button!

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